Too Long
Wow my lack of posts astounds me, I have been really busy socializing with real friends,
(not the kind that stab you in the back as soon as they think that there is a tasty bit of information about you that they can and will sell to the devil to save their own soul from eternal damnation, sorry to disappoint, you're all still dammed) working at wineglass bay, finalizing my accounting exam,which I passed with flying colors, learning to drive an excavator! and working on a subdivision.
Meeting and catching up with old friends from the armed forces, preparing for christmas and all that that intails. Brought series 2 of the invader zim action figures yesterday, including a 12 inch GIR!! Christmas bonus ROCKS!!
The other day I woke up to find that my precious bird, (whom I thought was a male) had laid an egg, turns out that my picard is in fact a Picardette!! so far my precious has laid 4 eggs, and I am so very proud of her, as she is handling it well, and being an angel.
This is my baby;

This weekend is going to be HUGE, with MASSIVE amounts of alcohol to be had, I have a costume party on saturday and a christmas party on sunday. Both of which are proving to be very interesting, all I can say is BRING IT ON, (you people know who you are)
Oh yeah and just to clarify my life is going GREAT, nothing bad has happened, no karma coming back to bite me on the arse, so where ever certain people got their information from, it is wrong and they are full of shit.
Well that about brings you all up to speed for October, November and part of December. I trust more information will be forth coming and i'll post the awsome pics i took at wineglass bay at a later date.
Have a good weekend all,
(not the kind that stab you in the back as soon as they think that there is a tasty bit of information about you that they can and will sell to the devil to save their own soul from eternal damnation, sorry to disappoint, you're all still dammed) working at wineglass bay, finalizing my accounting exam,which I passed with flying colors, learning to drive an excavator! and working on a subdivision.
Meeting and catching up with old friends from the armed forces, preparing for christmas and all that that intails. Brought series 2 of the invader zim action figures yesterday, including a 12 inch GIR!! Christmas bonus ROCKS!!
The other day I woke up to find that my precious bird, (whom I thought was a male) had laid an egg, turns out that my picard is in fact a Picardette!! so far my precious has laid 4 eggs, and I am so very proud of her, as she is handling it well, and being an angel.
This is my baby;

This weekend is going to be HUGE, with MASSIVE amounts of alcohol to be had, I have a costume party on saturday and a christmas party on sunday. Both of which are proving to be very interesting, all I can say is BRING IT ON, (you people know who you are)
Oh yeah and just to clarify my life is going GREAT, nothing bad has happened, no karma coming back to bite me on the arse, so where ever certain people got their information from, it is wrong and they are full of shit.
Well that about brings you all up to speed for October, November and part of December. I trust more information will be forth coming and i'll post the awsome pics i took at wineglass bay at a later date.
Have a good weekend all,
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