Birthday Celebrations
So this weekend,
Picked Adrian up from the airport.
Started with Pancakes, Strawberries and Cream!!
Visited Family, mine and Adrian's
Dinner at the Parentals, and a somewhat subdued and non filth related dinner conversation. There was Roast Sheep and Cow, a Tart, (other than me) Jackie made a Lemon Tart which from what I heard was very nice. Apple crumble, whipped cream that was not really whipped, something when wrong in the whipping process and mum said 'fuck it' near enough is good enough!!
Then there was the dinner plate debarcle, it turned out that Jackie and I ended up with each other's plates, we discovered this when Jackie said, damn it wheres the sheep, (she had sheep and cow, I just had Cow) we came to the conclusion that is was a good thing that Jakcie and I eat in the same order, Peas and carrots first, pumpkin then parsnip, meat and lastly the roast spuds.
So after consuming each others peas and carrots and quick pass around of the plates a giggle or two and we were back to the eating!
Once departing the parentals there was a quick diversion to collect Joel then it was back to my place for the birthday drinking and general drunken behavour.
The drinking kicked off at 9 and ended somewhere around the 2.30 sunday morning area. In attendance were; Anita, Dave, Joey, Joel, Jackie, Adrian and Me. With a fridge full of booze, music provided by the lovely nita (thanks!!) playin on the music playin machine the fun began.
See Joel got me a pair of knickers for my birthday - (Pics of 'lil sis modeling them later!) they seemed to keep people entertain for quite some time. (people are strange!) then it was onto Twister, for the record, much more fun when alcohol has been consumed!
With several shots of various flavours consumed, things were going well. Joel somehow managed to wet his pants, or so he exclaimed, 'Joey bumped me and I spilt my drink' all over his manly parts, (pics of Joel modleing his 'wet patch' later)
Joey was the only sober one as she was driving, and somehow was the only one to fall over her own feet, dave remarked, 'and this is the one driving us drunk people home!!' After fits of giggles and regaining ones breathing it was off to attack the fridge for more Vodka.
Thanks to everyone for pressies;
After no sleep after people left at 2.30 I cleaned the house, (without wakin Adrian or Jackie who was stayin in my spare room)
The proceeded to test out Nita and Dave's pressie on the couch and watch some FarScape.
Poke my head in on Jackie at 8.30 ish and then snuggled into bed with Adrian.
Around 12ish took Jackie home, then headed to mum's to get Picard who stayed there the night. Settled her in at home then more snugglin with Adrian.
Then at around 6ish it was off to the Airport with sadness.

Adrians B'day 26 June
My B'day 27 June
And that people was my weekend.
- Melody
Picked Adrian up from the airport.
Started with Pancakes, Strawberries and Cream!!
Visited Family, mine and Adrian's
Dinner at the Parentals, and a somewhat subdued and non filth related dinner conversation. There was Roast Sheep and Cow, a Tart, (other than me) Jackie made a Lemon Tart which from what I heard was very nice. Apple crumble, whipped cream that was not really whipped, something when wrong in the whipping process and mum said 'fuck it' near enough is good enough!!
Then there was the dinner plate debarcle, it turned out that Jackie and I ended up with each other's plates, we discovered this when Jackie said, damn it wheres the sheep, (she had sheep and cow, I just had Cow) we came to the conclusion that is was a good thing that Jakcie and I eat in the same order, Peas and carrots first, pumpkin then parsnip, meat and lastly the roast spuds.
So after consuming each others peas and carrots and quick pass around of the plates a giggle or two and we were back to the eating!
Once departing the parentals there was a quick diversion to collect Joel then it was back to my place for the birthday drinking and general drunken behavour.
The drinking kicked off at 9 and ended somewhere around the 2.30 sunday morning area. In attendance were; Anita, Dave, Joey, Joel, Jackie, Adrian and Me. With a fridge full of booze, music provided by the lovely nita (thanks!!) playin on the music playin machine the fun began.
See Joel got me a pair of knickers for my birthday - (Pics of 'lil sis modeling them later!) they seemed to keep people entertain for quite some time. (people are strange!) then it was onto Twister, for the record, much more fun when alcohol has been consumed!
With several shots of various flavours consumed, things were going well. Joel somehow managed to wet his pants, or so he exclaimed, 'Joey bumped me and I spilt my drink' all over his manly parts, (pics of Joel modleing his 'wet patch' later)
Joey was the only sober one as she was driving, and somehow was the only one to fall over her own feet, dave remarked, 'and this is the one driving us drunk people home!!' After fits of giggles and regaining ones breathing it was off to attack the fridge for more Vodka.
Thanks to everyone for pressies;
After no sleep after people left at 2.30 I cleaned the house, (without wakin Adrian or Jackie who was stayin in my spare room)
The proceeded to test out Nita and Dave's pressie on the couch and watch some FarScape.
Poke my head in on Jackie at 8.30 ish and then snuggled into bed with Adrian.
Around 12ish took Jackie home, then headed to mum's to get Picard who stayed there the night. Settled her in at home then more snugglin with Adrian.
Then at around 6ish it was off to the Airport with sadness.

Adrians B'day 26 June
My B'day 27 June
And that people was my weekend.
- Melody
Happy Birthday Melody
waahoo for the Birthday
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