Who Dat, Where Dat?
Whoa such a long time since I have been here. For that I are very sorry.
Firstly, to all those who have enquired, yes I am very much still alive (sorry to all those who were hoping otherwise :P) Have been run off my feet with work and life in general. And speaking of general, many of you will not know that Picard now has a boyfriend, Loki's younger brother Sparrow..................................... Handsome aint he!

Poor little blighter will only eat 1 specific seed, hulled Oats, which means that I had a very long a tedious task of converting him to eat other more interesting things. So far that list includes, broccoli, corn, toast, cheese, silver beet, and pretty much, whatever I am eating! Though that means that most of the time, he can not eat what I am eating.
Life in general is damn good. It seems that I have made it through Winter without the usual amounts if flu and other 'wintry not so goodies sicknesses' And with that, I and my wallet are most very grateful! And with Spring now upon us, I get to see if I have also managed somehow to avert the annual festival of Hay fever! This should prove to be very interesting, and no-doubt entertaining.
Work, ah let's see, work, is well, work like! Nah seriously, work is great. Busy, and also entertaining.
There is a new development happening at the Hobart Airport (many of you will know about this, well those of you in Oz that is) For those of you who don't basically it is going to be, a 78 room hotel, Harvey Norman (electrical Store) K & D (hardware store) though why anyone visiting Tasmania would need to buy things from a hardware store, that is unless they are going to pull a Jet Li (watch Romeo Must Die) then I can fully understand why the government is putting one in. There will all so be a DFO (direct factory outlet) like the ones in Melbourne and Sydney. Yes, Us, Poor little left out Tassie, is FINALLY getting a DFO.
Anyway the point of telling you all of that, is that Work has, it would seem, managed to be elected to build and Manage, the WWTP (waste water treatment plant) that needs to be built to handle all the err well shit 'n' stuff that all these new stores will produce. So that is quite a nice little 2.2 million dollar project that should keep us somewhat rather busy for quite a while.
My love life you ask? Well Adrian and I are still very much together, and things are going Fanfuckingtastic! And that is all I am going to tell you. (ha bet you thought I were going to go into detail didn't ya, well :P TOUGH, I don't wanna tell you pervs nothing! Just use your imagination!! And with Adrian arriving on Friday Night, i are sure imaginations will be running wild!
Family, yes they are all so going well, Though yesterday I got the sad news that my brothers dog Squeak had to be put down as she was very, very sick, poor thing had liver cancer. RIP widdle Squeaky, I are going to miss havin you stick your nose in my pockets looking for kibbles.
Still on the topic of my brother, he and his wife bec, are expecting their first child in November, (yes people that's right I are going to be an Aunt!!!) Most people in the family know the sex of the baby, all cept for dad, as he did not want to know, which is fair enough, wants to be surprised!! Soooooooooo that means that I 'anit going to tell you! you will just have to wait till I gets some cute pics of said new niece or nephew. Once again I go :P
The renovation of the parentals back yard is progressing very nicely. Looks good to. I should have got some 'before' pics, ahh well you will just have to make do with the 'after' pics when it is finished.
Friends, well now, Anita and Dave are getting Married January, next year. I am a bridesmaid, yes people I am wearing a dress, makeup and will look, and behave like a lady. Should make for an interesting blog post! Not to mention the Hen's night, now that'll be one hell of a post!
Joey's new beau Brian has moved from Launceston to Hobart to be with her, they are now livin together.
And to be honest, I have not seen much of anyone else of late, due to my being insanely busy.
Well that about wraps things up, I better go do some work.
Firstly, to all those who have enquired, yes I am very much still alive (sorry to all those who were hoping otherwise :P) Have been run off my feet with work and life in general. And speaking of general, many of you will not know that Picard now has a boyfriend, Loki's younger brother Sparrow..................................... Handsome aint he!

Poor little blighter will only eat 1 specific seed, hulled Oats, which means that I had a very long a tedious task of converting him to eat other more interesting things. So far that list includes, broccoli, corn, toast, cheese, silver beet, and pretty much, whatever I am eating! Though that means that most of the time, he can not eat what I am eating.
Life in general is damn good. It seems that I have made it through Winter without the usual amounts if flu and other 'wintry not so goodies sicknesses' And with that, I and my wallet are most very grateful! And with Spring now upon us, I get to see if I have also managed somehow to avert the annual festival of Hay fever! This should prove to be very interesting, and no-doubt entertaining.
Work, ah let's see, work, is well, work like! Nah seriously, work is great. Busy, and also entertaining.
There is a new development happening at the Hobart Airport (many of you will know about this, well those of you in Oz that is) For those of you who don't basically it is going to be, a 78 room hotel, Harvey Norman (electrical Store) K & D (hardware store) though why anyone visiting Tasmania would need to buy things from a hardware store, that is unless they are going to pull a Jet Li (watch Romeo Must Die) then I can fully understand why the government is putting one in. There will all so be a DFO (direct factory outlet) like the ones in Melbourne and Sydney. Yes, Us, Poor little left out Tassie, is FINALLY getting a DFO.
Anyway the point of telling you all of that, is that Work has, it would seem, managed to be elected to build and Manage, the WWTP (waste water treatment plant) that needs to be built to handle all the err well shit 'n' stuff that all these new stores will produce. So that is quite a nice little 2.2 million dollar project that should keep us somewhat rather busy for quite a while.
My love life you ask? Well Adrian and I are still very much together, and things are going Fanfuckingtastic! And that is all I am going to tell you. (ha bet you thought I were going to go into detail didn't ya, well :P TOUGH, I don't wanna tell you pervs nothing! Just use your imagination!! And with Adrian arriving on Friday Night, i are sure imaginations will be running wild!
Family, yes they are all so going well, Though yesterday I got the sad news that my brothers dog Squeak had to be put down as she was very, very sick, poor thing had liver cancer. RIP widdle Squeaky, I are going to miss havin you stick your nose in my pockets looking for kibbles.
Still on the topic of my brother, he and his wife bec, are expecting their first child in November, (yes people that's right I are going to be an Aunt!!!) Most people in the family know the sex of the baby, all cept for dad, as he did not want to know, which is fair enough, wants to be surprised!! Soooooooooo that means that I 'anit going to tell you! you will just have to wait till I gets some cute pics of said new niece or nephew. Once again I go :P
The renovation of the parentals back yard is progressing very nicely. Looks good to. I should have got some 'before' pics, ahh well you will just have to make do with the 'after' pics when it is finished.
Friends, well now, Anita and Dave are getting Married January, next year. I am a bridesmaid, yes people I am wearing a dress, makeup and will look, and behave like a lady. Should make for an interesting blog post! Not to mention the Hen's night, now that'll be one hell of a post!
Joey's new beau Brian has moved from Launceston to Hobart to be with her, they are now livin together.
And to be honest, I have not seen much of anyone else of late, due to my being insanely busy.
Well that about wraps things up, I better go do some work.
geez don't mention me or anything ;)
or me.....oh and *pif* tis Jet Li!!!!
Ok SO SORRY, Have corrected the tiny spelling error.
AND this is why I had ceased to write on set blog, people whinge, if only in jest that they did not get a mention. Sheeesh.
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