The Blog of Melody Muffin

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Friday, September 29, 2006

Sydney Here I Come

Well today is the day............FINALLY *clears throat *Sings; All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go.......................'

Just gotta make it through a few hours of work, (managed to scam a few hours off with pay!! OH YEA!!)
Picard is at the Parentals, took her up there Thursday night, little bugger was havin so much fun teasin Carlo, (well more like flashin her butt at him) that she did not notice that I had left! Which is good I suppose, less stress for her. When I got home the house was sooo empty with Picard gone. *sigh not little chirps, no loud, "mummy you're home let me out NOW' squawks.

Well that is about it for today, and the weekend, you'll have to wait till tuesday to get the details and pics etc. Hope you all have a good weekend.

- Melody


Blogger Unknown said...

Cause your .... LEAVIN... ONA JETPLANE! I dont know when youll be back again!

Have fun you snuggle bunnies.

10:00 AM  

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