Can I Really Wait 22 Days?
Well lastnight it became official I booked my flight and accommodation to Melbourne to see my sailor!!! For 5 glorious days i'll be doing nothing but Adrian!! and maybe shaking things up a bit with the occasional swim. (I said maybe) The only thing is I now have to wait a grand total of 22 days before my flight, my question is this, can I wait that long? The answer I came up with, after a long deliberation was, 'you're just going to bloody well have to try'!!
Going to see Underworld Evolution tonight, should b
e good.
Time: 1.42
Reason: I was out driving dropping off and picking up stuff for work. Driving behind and old lady doing 60 in an 80 zone, seeing as how there was no over taking lane i behaved my self and waited till one came up (i know the road well i i knew there was one coming) So the overtaking lane appeared and i indicated, pulled out and sped up and over took that painstakingly slow woman. Then I get pulled over for inciting road rage, WTF!! I was in an overtaking lane, OVERTAKING a slow person, please for the sake of my sanity (well what is left of it anyway) tell me how the hell that is inciting road rage, stupid old git should not have a licence anyway. Some people should have been drowned at birth, come on people you know who you are!! do the world a huge favour, end it all now.
Going to see Underworld Evolution tonight, should b

Time: 1.42
Reason: I was out driving dropping off and picking up stuff for work. Driving behind and old lady doing 60 in an 80 zone, seeing as how there was no over taking lane i behaved my self and waited till one came up (i know the road well i i knew there was one coming) So the overtaking lane appeared and i indicated, pulled out and sped up and over took that painstakingly slow woman. Then I get pulled over for inciting road rage, WTF!! I was in an overtaking lane, OVERTAKING a slow person, please for the sake of my sanity (well what is left of it anyway) tell me how the hell that is inciting road rage, stupid old git should not have a licence anyway. Some people should have been drowned at birth, come on people you know who you are!! do the world a huge favour, end it all now.

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