Welcome 2006!!
So last night went rather smoothly. Alcohol was had and drunk, items of clothes were lost, titty shots were had, drunken dancing, and a small hobbit, below are some various pics from last night; 

I did have pics of the titty shots but as they were taken by an inexperianced photographer they are way blurry and not good.
2005 was a great year for me, i hope that 2006 will be good also. Great job, Great Friends, Great Family, no new years resolution for me, i am happy with my life no changes needed made all the important changes middle of last year. Hope all is well with you all.
- Melody

I did have pics of the titty shots but as they were taken by an inexperianced photographer they are way blurry and not good.
2005 was a great year for me, i hope that 2006 will be good also. Great job, Great Friends, Great Family, no new years resolution for me, i am happy with my life no changes needed made all the important changes middle of last year. Hope all is well with you all.
- Melody
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