Its so cute, I wants several.
It is a Cuban Tody and is endemic to Cuba, so it looks as though there is a trip to Cuba in my future............ALL RIGHT CUBA!!! (get the movie reference Joel?)
Look at him, being all cute and fluffy, doesn't he know that I lurve cute and fluffy, DAMN HIM!!
I must find a way to smuggle him into Tassie. *shifty scheming eyes*
I just wanna scritch his widdle chest and kiss his tiny widdle head (I think Picard is gettin jealous!!)
- Melody
Ok, during the upgrading on my blog, your link, well kind got lost, I am working on find it, keeo yerr pants on.
And the movie reference was ELDORADO, bad guy says 'you will be flogged, once we pull into CUBA god willing you will be flogged somemore'
other guy says ' ALRIGHT CUBA'
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