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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

48 hours no sleep = a VERY tired Mel

4 Days to go!!

Sleep; State of not being awake -
physiology a state of partial or full unconsciousness in people and animals during which voluntary functions are suspended and the body rests and restores itself.

Now that we have covered what sleep is, I just need to fiugre out how to get some, (sleep that is)
Though I think that i have figured out why I have not been sleeping; there is just too much going on in my head, to much to think about. I can seem to shut my brain down long enough. Even switching to my well known one track mind is not helping, cos then I think about things that should not be thought about when one is trying to sleep!!

Busy week this week, Display home opens on Friday, night school starts tonight, various office type stuff that needs doing, BAS, Super, accounts, reconcilliations.
MEH I need some sleeep. Though I think that i have figured out why I have not been sleeping; there is just too much going on in my head, to much to think about. I can seem to shut my brain down long enough.
Thank god I only have one job atm, otherwise I think i'd end up doing something very, very bad.

On a completly different topic, I had thought about going to the Desperate and Dateless Ball, though I am neither Desperate nor Dateless. But the Rogue Traders are playing and for $100.00 you can drink as much booze as you can!! that in its self is a semi good reason to attend.
But then again $100.00 is a plane ticket to Melbourne to see Adrian. Think i'll leave the ball the the Desperate and Dateless, I wanna go to Melbourne again!!

Upate: 11am
Mood: VERY PISSED OFF, duck and cover people I am going to blow, and its not going to be pretty.

Nothing like a phone conversation with someone that owes the company you work for a shit load of money when they do nothing up swear and yell at you for 15 minuets, telling you that you wont be getting the money that is owed. (Come on people it's already 2 years over due, thats some hefty interest bill they are gunna get!)
There was mention of lawsuits.
Dude the works has been done, just pay the fucking bill already.

I am not a happy camper, there are many things I hate and dispise in this world, and one of those things is being treated like a stupid, blonde receptionist, ( I am not a reciptionist people I am a FINCNCIAL MANAGER, that is my official title)

God Fucking damn it, I don't even have time to vent at boxing tonight, AARGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH
It takes alot to piss me off this much, glad to say that it does not happen much.

Did I mention ARGH?

"Insert unfunny, uninspiring Quote Here"

- Melody


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Relax babe! come round to your favorite soon-to-be-brother-in-law's house and I'll give you a massage :)

11:00 AM  
Blogger Melody said...

TeeHee jimmy Wimmy, up for a bit o that sister on sister action are ya!!

2:58 PM  

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