I Came, I Saw and I Conquered!
Well I got back from Melbourne/Victoria last night. My weekend went a little something like this;
Arrived at 7pm ish to be greeted by Adrian at the airport. There was much huggin and Kissin!! Once the long walk to collect baggage was done, there was an even longer wait for set luggage to go past me on the moving luggage collect thing! With luggage and Adrian in hand we headed to the car for the drive to Stable Stopovers, an awsome B&B just outside of Hastings, around a 20 ish Minute drive from Cerberus!!
Below is the spare room where all my
stuff was stored, the sleeping bedroom was to the left of this room.

below is the Lounge room

Patio outside
And this
is the main living area, to the left is the lounge, to the right is dining, through the blue door is the bathrom, and to the left of that is the kitchen.
Woke up to a nice morning (with a Sailor in my bed!!) at around 9am, we were going to head to the beach but the weather was looking a little ominous, so Adrian suggested shopping!! BAD IDEA!!! Nah it went well. We started in Frankston, just walking the streets looking at shops and trying to figure out how I could transport a surfboard to Hobart. Done with Frankston we headed to Mornington. My credit card got a nice work out there I tell you that!! Several tops, jeans, trackies, and some Guinness P.J's from Barworld, now that is a shop we really need here. There was a short stop at the food court for food. I got dinner and a show!! A few of the local boys, (trying to be men) got into a poor excuse for a fight did not last long, but hey it was entertaining!! Once the shopping was complete, we headed back to the villa to get ready for a BBQ at someone's place, which was at the base (Cerberus) so there were several of Adrian's mates there. Shortly after we got there a game of Backyard cricket was started, very amusing to say the least. Food was cooked and eaten, booze was open and drunk. Water meter run over and broken, and an attempt at 60 shots of beer in so many minutes, did not go so well, I think 45 shots was the end result, but not sure on the minutes.
Then it was off to Frankston to hit the pubs and drink some more. First it was the Irish pub HaPennys, for Guinness, though it would seem that Adrian and I are the only ones that like the big, dark brew. The story goes like this; they had this promotion on, where you buy 4 pints and you get a free soccer ball with the Guinness logo on it. I made it my mission to get this ball for Adrian. I flirted with the barman, got a discount off the Guinness, a phone number and the ball!! Once having accuried the 4 pints it was back to the table for the drinking, Adrian had one, (that's a given) then the remaining 3 I handed out to various other's. By the time Adrian had finished his, the others were still going, and complaining a lot about the taste and 'how the hell can you drink this crap' it was very amusing. We then headed to other drinking establishments. But with a slight accident to one of the guys, (who turned out to be ok) had to go back to the base, it turned into an early night, which was fine by me, we headed back to the villa.
A beautiful day, beach weather!! So that is what we did we beached it. The water was freezing! took ages to get used to, so I gave up and sunbaked on the beach. Nothing like laying on a beach in the sun with your man right next to you rubbing lotion on you!! (providing your a chick, or a guy that swings in that direction!) Once done with the beach, we headed out for some shopping and then back to the villa. Sunday also marked the end of the weekend for Adrian and he had to go back to Cerberus for work.
Being alone for the day while Adrian was at work, I amused myself. The B&B owner's invited me to the gym, so I went. I had a blast, I got some boxing training from a guy that was in the Commonwealth Games in Rome, it was awsome!! Once the boxing was over I walked around the B&B Property they had a huge property, with horses, dogs, chickens.
With the shuter bug in me satisfied I went for a walk into Hastings for all you Tassies reading this imagine walking from Glenorchy to Hobart and back, add alittle more. Once back at the villa I must have fallen asleep watching a movie, cos the next thing I know I was woken by the dogs barking and Adrian walking into the bedroom :)
We headed out for dinner in a nice pub with a few of the guys that
were at the BBQ on Saturday.
Once again alone for the day I had to amuse myself, though this day I just could not. I ended up watching crappy telly, and trying to sleep. See this was the day that I flew away from Adrian and back to Tassie :( Somehow Adrian managed to get off work early and was at the villa by around 3.00ish All packed and ready to go, but oh so not wanting to go. Also being Valentines Day, Adrian surprised me with a cute bear and a rose. (pics later) He's so sweet and cute, (Adrian that is)
So with that it was off to the airport where I checked in and went through security. Now security was interesting I was randomly pick to have my bags tested for gun powder residue!! an interesting experience.
We grabbed a bite to eat before heading to the lounge to wait for my flight. Whilst waiting I named the bear 'Rupert'
My flight was called and I lined up to board. God it was hard to get on that plane, I really wanted to stay, but with a job and commitments here I have no choice but to leave.
So began the hour ish flight from Melbourne to Hobart. With Rupert on my lap, I thought of nothing but Adrian.
Landing in Hobart I was informed by the people sitting next to me that I would have to declare my rose to quarantine :( but upon meeting with the nice quarantine guy, he told me that there was no way he was going to make me give up the rose on Valentines Day!! :)
I had a really great time, as I am sure Adrian did also. Next time I go to Melbourne, I'll actually be staying in Melbourne (maybe the Crown) and doing the whole shopping thing for an entire week!! yes people a week long shopping trip!! And yes hopefully Adrian will be accompanying me on this trip.
Looks as though the count down will start again as Adrian might be down on the 24 of Feb!! *HUGE SMILE*
So that people was my weekend.
Things have been edited and left out, somethings are just not meant to be written on a blog ;)
- Melody
Arrived at 7pm ish to be greeted by Adrian at the airport. There was much huggin and Kissin!! Once the long walk to collect baggage was done, there was an even longer wait for set luggage to go past me on the moving luggage collect thing! With luggage and Adrian in hand we headed to the car for the drive to Stable Stopovers, an awsome B&B just outside of Hastings, around a 20 ish Minute drive from Cerberus!!
Below is the spare room where all my
stuff was stored, the sleeping bedroom was to the left of this room.

below is the Lounge room

Patio outside
And this

Woke up to a nice morning (with a Sailor in my bed!!) at around 9am, we were going to head to the beach but the weather was looking a little ominous, so Adrian suggested shopping!! BAD IDEA!!! Nah it went well. We started in Frankston, just walking the streets looking at shops and trying to figure out how I could transport a surfboard to Hobart. Done with Frankston we headed to Mornington. My credit card got a nice work out there I tell you that!! Several tops, jeans, trackies, and some Guinness P.J's from Barworld, now that is a shop we really need here. There was a short stop at the food court for food. I got dinner and a show!! A few of the local boys, (trying to be men) got into a poor excuse for a fight did not last long, but hey it was entertaining!! Once the shopping was complete, we headed back to the villa to get ready for a BBQ at someone's place, which was at the base (Cerberus) so there were several of Adrian's mates there. Shortly after we got there a game of Backyard cricket was started, very amusing to say the least. Food was cooked and eaten, booze was open and drunk. Water meter run over and broken, and an attempt at 60 shots of beer in so many minutes, did not go so well, I think 45 shots was the end result, but not sure on the minutes.
Then it was off to Frankston to hit the pubs and drink some more. First it was the Irish pub HaPennys, for Guinness, though it would seem that Adrian and I are the only ones that like the big, dark brew. The story goes like this; they had this promotion on, where you buy 4 pints and you get a free soccer ball with the Guinness logo on it. I made it my mission to get this ball for Adrian. I flirted with the barman, got a discount off the Guinness, a phone number and the ball!! Once having accuried the 4 pints it was back to the table for the drinking, Adrian had one, (that's a given) then the remaining 3 I handed out to various other's. By the time Adrian had finished his, the others were still going, and complaining a lot about the taste and 'how the hell can you drink this crap' it was very amusing. We then headed to other drinking establishments. But with a slight accident to one of the guys, (who turned out to be ok) had to go back to the base, it turned into an early night, which was fine by me, we headed back to the villa.
A beautiful day, beach weather!! So that is what we did we beached it. The water was freezing! took ages to get used to, so I gave up and sunbaked on the beach. Nothing like laying on a beach in the sun with your man right next to you rubbing lotion on you!! (providing your a chick, or a guy that swings in that direction!) Once done with the beach, we headed out for some shopping and then back to the villa. Sunday also marked the end of the weekend for Adrian and he had to go back to Cerberus for work.
Being alone for the day while Adrian was at work, I amused myself. The B&B owner's invited me to the gym, so I went. I had a blast, I got some boxing training from a guy that was in the Commonwealth Games in Rome, it was awsome!! Once the boxing was over I walked around the B&B Property they had a huge property, with horses, dogs, chickens.

We headed out for dinner in a nice pub with a few of the guys that

Once again alone for the day I had to amuse myself, though this day I just could not. I ended up watching crappy telly, and trying to sleep. See this was the day that I flew away from Adrian and back to Tassie :( Somehow Adrian managed to get off work early and was at the villa by around 3.00ish All packed and ready to go, but oh so not wanting to go. Also being Valentines Day, Adrian surprised me with a cute bear and a rose. (pics later) He's so sweet and cute, (Adrian that is)
So with that it was off to the airport where I checked in and went through security. Now security was interesting I was randomly pick to have my bags tested for gun powder residue!! an interesting experience.
We grabbed a bite to eat before heading to the lounge to wait for my flight. Whilst waiting I named the bear 'Rupert'
My flight was called and I lined up to board. God it was hard to get on that plane, I really wanted to stay, but with a job and commitments here I have no choice but to leave.
So began the hour ish flight from Melbourne to Hobart. With Rupert on my lap, I thought of nothing but Adrian.
Landing in Hobart I was informed by the people sitting next to me that I would have to declare my rose to quarantine :( but upon meeting with the nice quarantine guy, he told me that there was no way he was going to make me give up the rose on Valentines Day!! :)
I had a really great time, as I am sure Adrian did also. Next time I go to Melbourne, I'll actually be staying in Melbourne (maybe the Crown) and doing the whole shopping thing for an entire week!! yes people a week long shopping trip!! And yes hopefully Adrian will be accompanying me on this trip.
Looks as though the count down will start again as Adrian might be down on the 24 of Feb!! *HUGE SMILE*
So that people was my weekend.
Things have been edited and left out, somethings are just not meant to be written on a blog ;)
- Melody
Sounds like you had a good time in melbourne!! Seems that you and adrian are happy together. :)
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