The Blog of Melody Muffin

Stuff about I do on a day to day basis, though not always updated on a daily basis!! You'll have to read it to find out more info :P

My Photo

Read my blog and find out, isn't that what you're here for?? :)

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Nothing Interesting

So it is getting to that time of the day where i finish work and go home.
Nothing exciting happened today.
With the day off tomorrow, I should have something remotely interesting to talk about tomorrow. Sorry for the non interesting and boring post today.


Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Chipmunks are CUTE!!!

So another glorious day at work is over. And people, I am not being sarcastic. (Yes I like my job!!)
Went really quick today.
And I did make it to the gym yesterday, had a good workout.

Lookit a baby Chipmunk, he sooooooooo cute!! Lilly Pilly, your going to LOVE him!!!!!!!!!!

To your right is a cartoon figure of me that a friend from a forum that I am a member of designed for me. I like it!!!!!

Only one day of work left, I am having Friday off, Long Weekend for me. I see much comsumption of alcohol and plenty of shopping, and maybe a driving lesson BEFORE the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Speaking of alcohol I got myself one of those 'chrisco' hampers and it consists of........ yup.......... VODKA. Nothing but glorious Vodka, well I get a free beach towel and a head cap thingy. I can't wait to get that in the mail!!! Going to take the day off work so I can be at home when it gets delivered!!

Started watching my new Pretender Dvd's last night. God I love that show.

Random Question for the day; 'Why is the Sky blue?'

That about raps up Wednesday.


Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Yes it's still Tuesday

And so ends this Tuesday at work. Nothing dranatically exciting happend. Though I did get to packages in the post, the first being the DVD's that I ordered from Ebay, Season 2 of The Pretender. The second being a box of biskits.
See I brought a packet of biskits from the supermarket, and they were burnt and tasted awful, so I rang the makers of the biskits and complained (seeing as how their packaging said that they were great biskits!) As a result of my complaining they sent me 6 different packs of biskits that they make!! SCORE!!!
I am thinking of going to the gym tonight................only thinking about going.
ummmm That's it for Tuesday.

Squeeeeeeee My First Post

Ok, So I am assuming that you read my 'about me' file thingy and found me to be somewhat interesting??
I mentioned that I am interested in photography, that was kind of an understatement, I LOVE photography. I own 4 cameras, an Pentax SLR, Fuji Fine Pix Digital, a Kodak Digital and my camera in my Mobile Phone. Some of my pics are listed here
So there is nothing much happening at this precise moment, I am at work, doing worky stuff.
This is my best friends blog (free advertising Hon!!)
That is all I have to say at the moment. I will endeavor to update this blog on a daily basis, though I make no promises.
