The Blog of Melody Muffin

Stuff about I do on a day to day basis, though not always updated on a daily basis!! You'll have to read it to find out more info :P

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Read my blog and find out, isn't that what you're here for?? :)

Friday, March 17, 2006

Kiss Me cos I 'm CUTE

3 Weeks and 4 days

It's Green Beer and Guinness Day!!!

Was going to stay home and study, but now me thinks that I shall go out and have me a few pints. I shall wait and see how the day progresses.

Nothing exciting has happend in the world of MelodyMuffin this week;
Got the flu shot jab, got my training guide and study books for my Licencing Course on Monday.
Listed my Nintendo DS on Ebay, I'll wait and see how that goes before I list the other stuffs.

And that about sums up my week.

On the up side, 1 week less till Easter!!

- Melody

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

With all That Has Been Said and Done

4 Weeks and 6 Days

Well the long weekend has come and gone. And the countdown to Easter has begun.

The weekend was great;

I had mum's birds stayin for the weekend as well, they arrived on Thursday.
Adrian's flight was on time!! YAY

Involved a trip to the Tahune Airwalk, I had never been there before, it was fantastic. Quite and Peaceful, with the sounds of birds chirping, river doin its thing making river noises!! And the view was awsome. It was nice to just watch the river flow, huggin Adrian and just relaxing while walking through the forest.

Once we had finished at the Airwalk we headed back into town for lunch and a walk around. Then it was back to my place to watch Saw. Not as bad as I thought it was going to be, with all the hype that I had heard I was kind dissappointed at the end result, there were a few bits where I was all 'Eww that's gross', and 'OMG he didn't' thought it was going to be one of those movies where you jump and get a good scare *shrug*

After bird Maintanance (looked after the avaries at mum's place this weekend) and a Trip to see Adrian's Family, we went to see Hostel. I have to agree with Retsil_Divad's summary of this movie - 'open quote (Hostel in 30 seconds: Tits, Tits, Tits, worry worry ....OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG...ROFL...HAHA....END) end quote' There was one part right at the start of the movie, that made me jump, a door closed, that was it *shakes Head* I had worked myself up for this movie to be the one to make me jump, and it did *bows head in shame*
Other than Adrian and I there were only two other people in the cinema. Over all I enjoyed the movie, though I have to admit that I came out of the movie feeling kinda ill and I had the shakes, some stuff in that movie 'OMFG' After some fresh air and a lots of hugs I was feelin better!

Was spent with more relaxing, movie watchin and stuffs. Mum come around and got the birds, and suddenly my house was so quiet!!! I dont really mind the noise they make, unless I am watchin a movie or have a headache.
Then all too soon it was time for that trip to the Airport, the one I hate so very much.

Update: 2.17 pm

Bugger, I forgot that I have my Real Estate Sales Licensing Course (RESL) next Monday, that goes from 9am till 4pm then from 4pm till 10pm I go to work, then on Tuesday I have (RESL) from 9-4 then TAFE from 6-9 then work from 9-11 man Tuesday is going to suck BIG TIME!!

- Melody

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Bring on the Weekend

1 Day to go

Got the third season of The Pretender today, me thinks that I am going to watch it all tomorrow on my day off to help pass the time till I get to see Adrian. He arrives at 8.10pm, providing the flight is not delayed 2 hours like it was last time.

Nothing else of great importance or interesting has happend so I bid thee farewell as I will not be back till Tuesday!!

Don't send a serch party, as they will not be invited to join in the festivities!!! :P

- Melody

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


2 Days

Work has slowed to a crawl atm, so I thought I'd have a ramble on my blog to pass the time.
Currently I am talking to Adrian via sms. I miss him, only 2 days to go, before I gets to hug and do other stuffs to him!! :P
I am also in the process of making an outfit similar to the one pictured to the left, without the red though, not a big fan of wearing red.

I am also going to join Joey's belly dancing classes. So now on my resume I can have Pole Dancing, Lap Dancing, Dirty Dancing, Table Dancing and Belly Dancing. Maybe I am in the wrong profession *thinks

Went shopping with my boss today, he is looking into getting a home gym, so we both went to Paul's Warehouse to see what they had on offer. I dont know if he found anything but I sure did. A boxing station, comes with a floor to ceiling ball, and a speed ball, I only have to buy the actual boxing bag a 22 at $70.00, the station itself is $399 down from $600 so add the bag and I can get away with it all for $470.00 not too shabby, me thinks. Pitty I can't get it straight away :( oh well maybe soon.

Tried to find my skanky police slut outfit lastnight, can't find it :( I will have to get another, it's good for costume parties!!

I thinks I am done with the rambling,

- Melody

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

MMmmmmmmmm DRUGS

3 Days

Went to the doc yesterday, this guy was nice he gave me drugs to kill my chest infection, as apposed to the last one who said 'you'll be right love, its just the flu'
He also booked me in for a flu shot, he reackons that it will stop the infections coming back as much!! WOOT I am all for the not coming back at all. He mentiond that the flu shot can sometimes boost ones immune system, again I am all for the boosting!
I also got some multi vitamins, so atm I am taking so many pills that if you were to shake me up and down, I'd rattle!!! you can call me a Melracca!! *shake, Shake, Shake*

Got some sleep lastnight to which was great.

Tafe tonight, meh rather not go, but I get exsam results so me thinks I'll stick around long enough to get those then I'll head home.

*Thinks* Wonder how RetsilDivad went with his new job training thingy?

- Melody

Monday, March 06, 2006

No Idea What To Call This Post

4 Days till...................... well you know!!

So my weekend was pretty much as I said it was going to be on Fridays Post, with the exception of while I was waiting for my car to be serviced, I passed the time by helping the Parentals Landscape the front yard. There was diggin, planting, rock placement, pebble spreading and of course the end watering. Looks really good, I'll take some pics at somepoint this week.

My hair is all cut and coloured, thought about posting pics, but I figured I'd make you all wait to see it (those of you whom I actually see that is!)

I am thinking of getting something else pierced, not sure what though, tongue, eyebrow, ears (again) Still have to get my other Chinese symbol Tattoo done to. Best be making some bookings!!

You have to admit, the TISM bunny is rather darn cute!!

Dont ya just wanna hug him to make it all better!! :)

Poor little bugger!!

- Melody

Friday, March 03, 2006

Nice 'n' Quiet

So I went back to work today, not the best decision that I have ever made, but it was a good thing I went back. The work was piled up on my desk just waiting for me.
Still feeling crappy, on the up side, I only have the fever and sore throat left everything else seems to have run their course and gone. :) I am considering heading home shortly if nothing else is required of me.

There is not a great deal planned for this weekend, going to keep it quiet and uneventful. I hope.

Saturday will see my car being serviced, *eep and gulp!!

On Sunday I shall be getting a cut and colour, and visiting Joey who will be administering the colour.

And that will be my weekend. Nice and Quiet.

- Melody

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Too Hot

Ok so I know I said I love it hot, but this is way different, see I have a fever, yes I am not well. I caught some nice bug that is going around. Seems that whatever is going around I get. On the upside I am now fully caught up on the sleep I miss out on the previous few weeks. Its a good thing I have two seasons of Las Vegas to keep me occupied and distracted.

Adrian is coming down for the 'Eight Hour Day' long weekend, and for easter!! I am so lucky!!

- Melody