The Blog of Melody Muffin

Stuff about I do on a day to day basis, though not always updated on a daily basis!! You'll have to read it to find out more info :P

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Monday, January 30, 2006

you want me to do what with who now?

So, Tuesday is TAFE sign up day, posted out the registration for for my Real Estate Sellers Licence this morning, and that starts on the 20th of March and ends on April 3rd so by that date I should be licenced to sell property, (providing I pass the exsam which requires an 80% pass average)
Why do I require a sellers licence I hear you ask? cos the company I work for has several subdivisions that they are working on, and require someone to sell the land, hiring a Real Estate agent to sell the blocks would cost more money and why do that when you already have someone, and who better than someone that alreay works for them, and I dont mind cos I get commission for each block I sell!!

At last count I have two full time jobs, full time TAFE and a 1 month course.
Plus travel to Melbourne/Victoria. (which is a good thing)

Who needs sleep when there are so many drugs of different shapes, sizes and colours to keep you awake, well that and a shit load of Red Bull.
Wonder how long the human body can go without sleep, and how much Red Bull it can handle, might have to look into that one.

- Melody

Sunday, January 29, 2006

A Good Time Tassie style

So I picked Dash (aka jan) from the airport on friday night, took a drive around town and battery point then headed for my place for talk and sleep.
saturday morning we headed into town for car rental, bacon and eggs, and Salamanca Market. I had to bail on Jan for a family BBQ at noon, but was all done my 3pm and we met back at my place for booze!! A phone call to Joey and Nita and we were on our way to show Jan a great time out on the town in Tassie. There was drinking, dancing and Joey constantly asking Jan to talk cos she LOVED his accent!! Well Joey, we love you!!! Did I mention the drinking? We started at the Metz in Sandy Bay, then went to Taccos for Mageritas then as always we finished the night at Irish (there's a shock) at around 3am. I really hope I did not break Jan to much I don't want his girlfriend Sophie mad at me!!
Now being sick with broncitis I decided to stop taking my meds so that I could drink, not the wisest decidion I ever made. Lets just say there was dizzyness and breathing issues, not related to the alcohol consumption!!
Back on my meds today so all should be good.
This morning Jan is heading off to the North of Tassie, Lake Pedder, Gordon River that sort of thing. He'll be gone till Thursday which is when his plane leaves at 4pm.

- Melody

Friday, January 27, 2006

I can speak!!

14 Days to go!

Well the meds have kicked in and I am feeling so much better, I have my voice back, I lost it for a little while yesterday!!
Also decided that I did not need my index finger yesterday and tried to remove it( by accident of course!) so that bled lots, and freck it hurt, but hey nothing a few stitches cant fix!!
Got a message from Dash this morning he is coming to visit tonight like me he is also a memebr of Tailfeathers!! I am going to show him a GREAT TASSIE time, like no one but me can provide!!
I am so looking forward to seeing Dash, waiting on his reply but hopefully I will be picking him up from the airport tonight. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

- Melody

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Woman on Drugs

For the past few days I have been of work sick with broncitis, went to the doc for dugs as I wanna get better so I can still fly on the 10th of feb to see Adrian. The drugs sarted to kick in today, so with any luck ill be fully well within the week, with time to spare!!
My preparation for the trip to Melbourne is well underway, flights booked and paid for, same with accommodation. Suitcase was purchased and now wait to be packed. Two weeks will not go quick enough!
With tomorrow being a public holiday and me being sick, chances are ill be at home resting and hopfully getting better.

hope you all have a good day off tomorrow (for those of you in Oz and who actually get the day off)

- melody

Monday, January 23, 2006

I LOVE hot weather

*18 Days to go*

So my weekend when a little like this, Worked for an hour on saturday morning, shopping in the arvo chatting on line in the evening. A nice quite saturday, something that does not happen often in my life, it was nice for a change.

Sunday was a little different, took picard upto mums for the day as it was forcast to be 36, and that is far to hot to leave her shut up at home. Once picard was safley delivered to mums I collected joel and thug and we headed to Seven Mile Beach to meet other people, nita, dave and joey, (the usual crowd!!) Got to the beach around noon and left at 5pm, I love the beach. Had a blast, with the swimming, sun baking (well burning!!) and the general chatting of catching up with eveyone elses life going on's.
Once I returned from the beach and settled picard down, it was time to remove the beach from my hair!! so I headed for the shower, I did not notice that I was that burnt until the water from the shower it those burnt spots, then I knew all about it!! Mostly my legs and chest, and lower back, meh just rubbed in some after sun care lotion stuff and I was good to go. I really dont care if i burn (as long as it is not my face) cos I go brown in a few days later.
The rest of my evening was spent chatting online. Followed by a little house cleaning.

Then today at lunch I took my car to the car wash and removed the massive amounts of beach that four people can leave in a car!!

I hope that it is beach weather this weekend, i wanna go again!!

- Melody

Friday, January 20, 2006

Bora Bora

We had a storm here thismorning, it was huge by Tassie standards, but by others it was probably a piss poor effort! But the lightning was cool, thunder was LOUD, and after it finished it turned into a stinking hot day of 30 degrees, which would not have been so bad if i did not have to be at work, hat sort of weather should be spent at the beach with friends, gettin naked, swimming and getting burnt. Good thing i dont work on sunday, they have forecast 36 degress, so it would seem that there will be some serious beach time to be had. WOOHOO!! Bring it on!!

I wanna go to Bora Bora.

One of these days i'll make it there. Maybe for annual holidays in 2007!! Seems like a long way away, but then there is plenty of time to save the serious amounts of $$$$ required for such a trip.

So Underworld was good, enjoyed it lots.

- Melody

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Can I Really Wait 22 Days?

Well lastnight it became official I booked my flight and accommodation to Melbourne to see my sailor!!! For 5 glorious days i'll be doing nothing but Adrian!! and maybe shaking things up a bit with the occasional swim. (I said maybe) The only thing is I now have to wait a grand total of 22 days before my flight, my question is this, can I wait that long? The answer I came up with, after a long deliberation was, 'you're just going to bloody well have to try'!!

Going to see Underworld Evolution tonight, should be good.

Time: 1.42
Reason: I was out driving dropping off and picking up stuff for work. Driving behind and old lady doing 60 in an 80 zone, seeing as how there was no over taking lane i behaved my self and waited till one came up (i know the road well i i knew there was one coming) So the overtaking lane appeared and i indicated, pulled out and sped up and over took that painstakingly slow woman. Then I get pulled over for inciting road rage, WTF!! I was in an overtaking lane, OVERTAKING a slow person, please for the sake of my sanity (well what is left of it anyway) tell me how the hell that is inciting road rage, stupid old git should not have a licence anyway. Some people should have been drowned at birth, come on people you know who you are!! do the world a huge favour, end it all now.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Booze, Dancing and Farewells

So this weekend will be full of partys and alcohol and farewells. Tonight hitting the town for drinks with friends, as it is Adrians (Navy Guys) last night in Tassie cos he has to go back to the Navy :(
Then Saturday arvo will see my attendance at a BBQ, following that there is more drinking in Town as Danny is leave us for the Army also :( (something about guys and the armed forces me thinks!!) I dont think an early night will be had on either occassion.

On a side note, my tattoo is all healed up and looks fantastic, now i am going to book in for the other one!!

Hope you all have a good weekend.

- Melody

Monday, January 09, 2006

Wanted Woman/Woman Wanted?

Brought new Knee High boots the other day in preparation for my party;

Had a small (10 people) gathering at my place on Saturday, was a HUGE sucess, there was strip poker, drinking,eating, musical cars!!! and table dancing (done by me of course!!) fun was had by all. Due to the noise and late/early ending (sunday morning) I took Picard up to my mums for a sleep over, mum said that Picard had a blast, she (picard) really gets along well with her birds. Tim and Tam (my finches) also stayed with mum, and when they returned home, they had 3 eggs for me!! my babies wanna have more babies!! I soon put a stop to that.

Well today was my first day back at work after the christmas break, and what an interesting day it was; The phone rang so doing my job I answered it, it was one of our clients offering me a full time job with them!! now keeping in mind that I already have TWO full time jobs, it would seem that I have some serious talents that everyone wants!! I turn the job down, and they were rather disappointed. But with my two jobs, and TAFE i just don't have the time of a third job, was nice of them to think of me though BEFORE they advertised it in the paper!!

So that about sums up my news at this stage.

New tattoo is healing well, little bit itchy but that is the norm!!

- Melody

Thursday, January 05, 2006

New Tattoo

Well today i gots me a new tattoo the chinese symbol for evil, only took 20 minutes and i was on my way to town for shopping!!

Nothing else exciting has happened in the past few days so there is no much to report.

May be after going out this weekend i may have a few ineresing stories to tell.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Welcome 2006!!

So last night went rather smoothly. Alcohol was had and drunk, items of clothes were lost, titty shots were had, drunken dancing, and a small hobbit, below are some various pics from last night;

I did have pics of the titty shots but as they were taken by an inexperianced photographer they are way blurry and not good.

2005 was a great year for me, i hope that 2006 will be good also. Great job, Great Friends, Great Family, no new years resolution for me, i am happy with my life no changes needed made all the important changes middle of last year. Hope all is well with you all.

- Melody