The Blog of Melody Muffin

Stuff about I do on a day to day basis, though not always updated on a daily basis!! You'll have to read it to find out more info :P

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Read my blog and find out, isn't that what you're here for?? :)

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


So it would seem that my normal sleeping pattern has returned fingers crossed it stays.
I like sleep, sleep is good.

When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila and salt!!

- Melody

Monday, February 27, 2006

Weekends are NEVER long enough

WOOT a full nights sleep.

So my weekend was fantastic.

Adrian's flight was delayed, instead of arriving at 8.10pm it arrived at 11.45pm. These things happen, but I still don't have to like it!!

Saturday there was a trip to see Adrian's family, a nap on Adrian's bed!! (seriously I was tired and I fell asleep watching Fez doing something on WoW) shopping, and dinner with the parentals, which went really well.
Saturday night there was drinking and dancing at Irish, with Joey, Joel, Thug, Adrian and myself. HEHE some dirty dancing with Joey!! much to the delight of some strange guys that were behind us, one of which I think was trying to chat Joey up, but with the loudness of the band he failed miserably! The night ended at midnight, well for Adrian and I anyway ;) we left Joey and Joel at Irish, not sure if they stayed or not. Thug bailed earlier around 11 ish. And Tony the Slacker never turned up!!

Sunday saw us seeing a movie, Casanova. It was not to bad, funny, but sadly lacking in the naked, sweaty sences that Casanova was renowned for, not what you expect, but still a good movie.
Then it was time for the long dreaded trip to the airport so that Adrian could catch his flight back to Victoria :(

Now it's Monday, and I miss him so much.

This week shall see me at our Display Home on Tuesday and Thursday, Night school, Boxing and the gym. With the Display Home open until November, I'll be spending a fair amount of time there, especially if I have to move in and live there, a whole completely different thing and will tell you all about it if and when I have to move in.

And in the past week I have almost completed my first course for Tafe. This is a good thing, see I am taking two courses at the same time, taught by the same teacher on the same night, so there is not enough time to do both lots of work assigned. I have been doing one course during work hours, so that I can concentrate on one course during class hours. Just got to hand in the required completed assignments, complete my in class assessments and sit back and wait for my results. (fingers crossed)

Why can't the year be one giant weekend?

- Melody

You can have me but cannot hold me;
Gain me and quickly lose me.
If treated with care I can be great,
And if betrayed I will break.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Thank God It's Friday!!

12 hours till I can see my man!!!

There is plenty to keep me busy at work today, so those 12 hours should go really fast (I hope)
This weekend is promising to be a great one, booze, dancing, and adrian what more could this Melody want? Suggestion anyone?

Oh yeah I want a Puppy;
Look at those cute widdle face, how can you not love a face like that. I'll take one of each please!!

- Melody

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Bored Now

Like willow said in Buffy when she was a Vampire, 'Bored Now, wanna play with the puppy'

- Melody

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Somewhat Relaxed

2 Days to go before I can gets my hugs!!

So today is a somewhat better day, feeling more relaxed and even managed to sleep lastnight!! It was good!!

So TAFE lastnight went well. I can do most of the required work at, well work! so it seems that I dont even have to actually go to night school as much as I thought!!
I have already completed something like 7 assessment pieces today during work, whilst doing actual work stuff! geeze I am good with the time management thingys!!

Nothing else of great importance to share at this point in time, other than the weather is really crappy today, I am so cold that my hands are PURPLE!!! And the weather telly people say that it is going to be 28 on Friday.......wonder how they figure that? *shrugs

- Melody

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

48 hours no sleep = a VERY tired Mel

4 Days to go!!

Sleep; State of not being awake -
physiology a state of partial or full unconsciousness in people and animals during which voluntary functions are suspended and the body rests and restores itself.

Now that we have covered what sleep is, I just need to fiugre out how to get some, (sleep that is)
Though I think that i have figured out why I have not been sleeping; there is just too much going on in my head, to much to think about. I can seem to shut my brain down long enough. Even switching to my well known one track mind is not helping, cos then I think about things that should not be thought about when one is trying to sleep!!

Busy week this week, Display home opens on Friday, night school starts tonight, various office type stuff that needs doing, BAS, Super, accounts, reconcilliations.
MEH I need some sleeep. Though I think that i have figured out why I have not been sleeping; there is just too much going on in my head, to much to think about. I can seem to shut my brain down long enough.
Thank god I only have one job atm, otherwise I think i'd end up doing something very, very bad.

On a completly different topic, I had thought about going to the Desperate and Dateless Ball, though I am neither Desperate nor Dateless. But the Rogue Traders are playing and for $100.00 you can drink as much booze as you can!! that in its self is a semi good reason to attend.
But then again $100.00 is a plane ticket to Melbourne to see Adrian. Think i'll leave the ball the the Desperate and Dateless, I wanna go to Melbourne again!!

Upate: 11am
Mood: VERY PISSED OFF, duck and cover people I am going to blow, and its not going to be pretty.

Nothing like a phone conversation with someone that owes the company you work for a shit load of money when they do nothing up swear and yell at you for 15 minuets, telling you that you wont be getting the money that is owed. (Come on people it's already 2 years over due, thats some hefty interest bill they are gunna get!)
There was mention of lawsuits.
Dude the works has been done, just pay the fucking bill already.

I am not a happy camper, there are many things I hate and dispise in this world, and one of those things is being treated like a stupid, blonde receptionist, ( I am not a reciptionist people I am a FINCNCIAL MANAGER, that is my official title)

God Fucking damn it, I don't even have time to vent at boxing tonight, AARGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH
It takes alot to piss me off this much, glad to say that it does not happen much.

Did I mention ARGH?

"Insert unfunny, uninspiring Quote Here"

- Melody

Sunday, February 19, 2006


7 Days To Go!

Aside from having a funny name and damn cute little cartoon guys, it a good tasting juice!!

So this weekend was pretty uneventful. Went out on Friday night, but that ended abruptly when people got tired, sore and had to pick up daves. *shrug* seeing as how I had to work on Saturday it did not bother me that much. Still had a good time with the dancing and non alcoholic drinking.

Today not alot happening either, went boxing then to the gym, now just chillin, thinking about going shopping. Only thinking!!

7 days to go you ask? Adrian comes down next weekend!! So the count down starts again!!!

- Melody

Friday, February 17, 2006

Ask and I shall Answer

1. What is your middle name?
HA! Nice try

2. What size is your bed?
Double - Queen wont fit :(

3. What are you listening to right now?
Nothing - at work

4. What are the last 2 digits in your phone number?

5. What was the last thing you ate
ahh not a huge fan of the eating

6. Last person you hugged?

7. How is the weather right now?
Warm....28, about to get a thunder storm

8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
My Mummy!!! unless you meant the work phone!!??

10. Do u have a G/F B/F?
teehee yup, Adrian!!

11. Do you want children?
Eh...... only 24 people, let me get older then see how I feel

12. Do you drink?
All the time!!

13. Ever get so drunk you don't remember the entire night?
Hell yes, almost every weekend!!

14. Hair color?

15. Eye color?

17. Favorite holiday?
anywhere, as long as I am with Adrian, would like to goto Bora Bora! :)

18. Favorite season?

19. Ever cried for no reason?
No Comment

20. Last movie you watched?

21. How many mirrors are in your room?

23. Have you ever decapitated a barbie doll?
HAHA yeah! it was fun

24. Do you enjoy the sensational taste of starbucks?
We dont have Starbucks!

25. Does the word "horcrux" mean anything to you?
umm no clue

26. Do you have any friends of the gay preference?
Yes i have several, got a problem with that?

27. Do you think Jesus is great?
meh - religion, no comment

28. Is cheese like the best food ever, or what?
Only if you can eat it without getting sick :(

29. What books are you reading?
ahhh, what are those?

30. Piercings?
one left ear, one right ear, and belly button

31. Favorite movie?
Far to many to name

32. Favorite college football team?
eh...I dont watch football full stop

33. What were you doing before filling this out?
err Working

34. Any pets?
Yup my beautiful cockatiel Picard

35. Dogs or cats?
Nope, but i want a puppy!

36. Favorite flower?
Roses, carnations, Irisis, Franjpanis

37. Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't suppose to?
All the time

38. Have you ever loved someone?
No Comment

39. Who would you like to see right now?

40. Are you still friends with an ex?
He'll no, I wanna mutilate him and not in a good way

41. Have you ever fired a gun?
hehehe yup, but after that they wont let me near one again!! oops!!

42. Do you like to travel by plane?

43. Right or left-handed?

44. If you could be with someone right now who would it be?
That'd be Adrian

45.How many pillows do you sleep with?

46. Are you missing someone?
Mm........take a wild guess..........................yup Adrian

47. Do you have a tattoo?
yup I gots two

48. Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday morning?
Not Saturday Morning...but I watch cartoons yeah

49. Are you hiding something from someone?
mmm nope, but ask again tomorrow!

50. Do you play an instrument?

51. Are you a vegetarian?
nope, but then i dont eat a lot of meat, mostly chicken and tuna!

There you have it, my life in 51 Questions!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Back to the daily grind

So yesterday was my first full day back at work and it was fucking busy. Accounts to enter and pay, keys to deliver, Display home to organise. Tomorrow I have the day off!! But then I have to work on Saturday for a few hours doing manual labour!! yup I'll be gettin down and dirty!!

Today is quiet, not alot happening, brought Charmed season 5, and new curtains for my house, and sending sms's to Adrian a nice easy day!!

Here are the pics of the Display Home that I am working on, which is located on one of our companies new subdivisions. Part of my job was to furnish out the Disply Home, so all the furniture that is in the home was chosen by little 'ol me!! Not a bad choice in colour seeing as i had no idea what any of the colours for the carpet and blinds were, a darn good guess on my part!!

Kiddies Room

Master Bedroom

Dining and Lounge Room

The next few pics are of the Main Bathroom

Well those are all the pics I have at the moment, I'll try and get some of the outside as it has just been landscaped and all that kinda thing, looks really nice.

- Melody

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I Came, I Saw and I Conquered!

Well I got back from Melbourne/Victoria last night. My weekend went a little something like this;

Arrived at 7pm ish to be greeted by Adrian at the airport. There was much huggin and Kissin!! Once the long walk to collect baggage was done, there was an even longer wait for set luggage to go past me on the moving luggage collect thing! With luggage and Adrian in hand we headed to the car for the drive to Stable Stopovers, an awsome B&B just outside of Hastings, around a 20 ish Minute drive from Cerberus!!

Below is the spare room where all my
stuff was stored, the sleeping bedroom was to the left of this room.

below is the Lounge room

Patio outside

And this is the main living area, to the left is the lounge, to the right is dining, through the blue door is the bathrom, and to the left of that is the kitchen.

Woke up to a nice morning (with a Sailor in my bed!!) at around 9am, we were going to head to the beach but the weather was looking a little ominous, so Adrian suggested shopping!! BAD IDEA!!! Nah it went well. We started in Frankston, just walking the streets looking at shops and trying to figure out how I could transport a surfboard to Hobart. Done with Frankston we headed to Mornington. My credit card got a nice work out there I tell you that!! Several tops, jeans, trackies, and some Guinness P.J's from Barworld, now that is a shop we really need here. There was a short stop at the food court for food. I got dinner and a show!! A few of the local boys, (trying to be men) got into a poor excuse for a fight did not last long, but hey it was entertaining!! Once the shopping was complete, we headed back to the villa to get ready for a BBQ at someone's place, which was at the base (Cerberus) so there were several of Adrian's mates there. Shortly after we got there a game of Backyard cricket was started, very amusing to say the least. Food was cooked and eaten, booze was open and drunk. Water meter run over and broken, and an attempt at 60 shots of beer in so many minutes, did not go so well, I think 45 shots was the end result, but not sure on the minutes.
Then it was off to Frankston to hit the pubs and drink some more. First it was the Irish pub HaPennys, for Guinness, though it would seem that Adrian and I are the only ones that like the big, dark brew. The story goes like this; they had this promotion on, where you buy 4 pints and you get a free soccer ball with the Guinness logo on it. I made it my mission to get this ball for Adrian. I flirted with the barman, got a discount off the Guinness, a phone number and the ball!! Once having accuried the 4 pints it was back to the table for the drinking, Adrian had one, (that's a given) then the remaining 3 I handed out to various other's. By the time Adrian had finished his, the others were still going, and complaining a lot about the taste and 'how the hell can you drink this crap' it was very amusing. We then headed to other drinking establishments. But with a slight accident to one of the guys, (who turned out to be ok) had to go back to the base, it turned into an early night, which was fine by me, we headed back to the villa.

A beautiful day, beach weather!! So that is what we did we beached it. The water was freezing! took ages to get used to, so I gave up and sunbaked on the beach. Nothing like laying on a beach in the sun with your man right next to you rubbing lotion on you!! (providing your a chick, or a guy that swings in that direction!) Once done with the beach, we headed out for some shopping and then back to the villa. Sunday also marked the end of the weekend for Adrian and he had to go back to Cerberus for work.

Being alone for the day while Adrian was at work, I amused myself. The B&B owner's invited me to the gym, so I went. I had a blast, I got some boxing training from a guy that was in the Commonwealth Games in Rome, it was awsome!! Once the boxing was over I walked around the B&B Property they had a huge property, with horses, dogs, chickens. With the shuter bug in me satisfied I went for a walk into Hastings for all you Tassies reading this imagine walking from Glenorchy to Hobart and back, add alittle more. Once back at the villa I must have fallen asleep watching a movie, cos the next thing I know I was woken by the dogs barking and Adrian walking into the bedroom :)
We headed out for dinner in a nice pub with a few of the guys that were at the BBQ on Saturday.

Once again alone for the day I had to amuse myself, though this day I just could not. I ended up watching crappy telly, and trying to sleep. See this was the day that I flew away from Adrian and back to Tassie :( Somehow Adrian managed to get off work early and was at the villa by around 3.00ish All packed and ready to go, but oh so not wanting to go. Also being Valentines Day, Adrian surprised me with a cute bear and a rose. (pics later) He's so sweet and cute, (Adrian that is)
So with that it was off to the airport where I checked in and went through security. Now security was interesting I was randomly pick to have my bags tested for gun powder residue!! an interesting experience.
We grabbed a bite to eat before heading to the lounge to wait for my flight. Whilst waiting I named the bear 'Rupert'
My flight was called and I lined up to board. God it was hard to get on that plane, I really wanted to stay, but with a job and commitments here I have no choice but to leave.
So began the hour ish flight from Melbourne to Hobart. With Rupert on my lap, I thought of nothing but Adrian.

Landing in Hobart I was informed by the people sitting next to me that I would have to declare my rose to quarantine :( but upon meeting with the nice quarantine guy, he told me that there was no way he was going to make me give up the rose on Valentines Day!! :)

I had a really great time, as I am sure Adrian did also. Next time I go to Melbourne, I'll actually be staying in Melbourne (maybe the Crown) and doing the whole shopping thing for an entire week!! yes people a week long shopping trip!! And yes hopefully Adrian will be accompanying me on this trip.

Looks as though the count down will start again as Adrian might be down on the 24 of Feb!! *HUGE SMILE*

So that people was my weekend.
Things have been edited and left out, somethings are just not meant to be written on a blog ;)

- Melody

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Pneumonia Anyone?

Just got to make it through today, then its off to see Adrian!!

Fucking bloody Tasmanian weather, yesterday it was a nice 25 ish degrees, today its cold, wet and raining, all the right combinations for me to get Pneumonia, woo fucking hoo, as long as it holds off till Tuesday after I get back I don't rightly care much.
A somewhat busy day at work today, lots of meetings and book work to be done, so that should keep me relatively distracted during the day, then for distraction tonight it's the movies with Joel, its after the movie that I am not looking forward to, I'll have to find something to keep my mind occupied.
*Huge sigh and a rather loud MEH!

GOD i LOVE Ebay.

Just brought a new single doona cover for the single bed I got the other day.
$50.00 Bargin seeing as how it costs around $100.00 in store!! and I really like Frangipani's so woot for Ebay. HEHE now I get to re-modle my house!! Hey that is what I can do after the movie tonight! Sweet.
Too bad it wont take that long, ah well maybe i can wake Picard up and she'll keep me company and distracted!! Though more likely not, she'd be far too cranky, and she has to go to mum's tomorrow morning at like 7am!!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Dude you should warn somebody BEFORE you do that!!

1 Day to go!!

Good news is I am less irritated and jumpy today, GOD I LOVE boxing!!!

So today is pay day a huge WOOT is in order!!
atm I am in the office all alone, thinking, me all alone and thinking not a good combination.
Tomorrow will bring a trip to the movies to see 'Jarhead' , last minute packing and house cleaning, and propbably a sleepless night waiting for 5pm Friday to rock around. Oh yeah and work.
Brought a single bed today so that when I have company again (Dash) they wont have to sleep on a matress on the floor! Got the most awsome doona cover off ebay for like $50.00!! it rocks, very Mel like i belive most people will say when they see it.

I am also trying to bid on a talking Gir dashboard driver , he says;

"I wanna be a mongoose"

"Yes, my master"

"Let's go to my room pig"

"I love this show"

He's sooooooooo darn cute!!

I really, really, really want him!!!
I am begining to think that Invader Zim and Gir have now reaplaced my Winnie the Pooh obsession with their own!!
OOOOOPS!! As long as nothing replaces my alcohol obsession I'll be ok!!

- Melody

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


2 Days :)

I ask you, Can this day go any fucking slower?

Finished work at 9ish lastnight, so several red bulls for breakfast and several more for lunch, ( I love an all liquid diet!!) and i am feeling jumpy and irritated, i just wanna go home so I can go boxing and kick the crap outta something/someone.
On the up side only two more days of work before I jump on a plane that will take me stright to Melbourne, and in turn stright to Adrain I cant wait, he only left on Sunday but I miss him so much already :(

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DASH, I know that it is late but hey, I am evil, not perfect!!

An 1 1/2 to go before I can leave, hench the post title, GRRRR ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH

- Melody

Friday, February 03, 2006


1 Week to go!

On wednesday I took Picard to the vet to have her wings clipped for when she is at mums house next weekend. So she is effectively grounded, no flying at all :( poor 'lil bugger but it is for her own good.
Thursday morning saw me waking up to find an egg, her first since november last year, thought that I had that in check but I guess not. Ah well, she likes to play soccer with them which keeps her amused while I am at work, who am I to deprive her of soccer!

Dash flew back to Sydney yesterday, as far as I know he had a great time here. I really hope all goes well for his new job and for when Sophie comes to visit. Though I am pretty sure that other than seeing a Tassie Devil as road kill, that was the only one he saw. But by the sounds of things he saw what I can only imagine to be a Bilby!! If he comes down again he'll be bring sophie (I hope) and then i'll take holidays and take them to the really nice places in Tassie, like Wineglass Bay, Cradle Mountian that sorta thing.

A nice quiet weekend is planned with Adrian,(my new man) consisting of bowling, maybe a movie, and other stuffs, (get your minds outta the gutter people there is not enough room for yours as well as mine, and I was here first!) He goes back to Victoria on sunday.

Finishing work early today, there is nothing much going on, that and it is by far too nice of a day to be stuck inside, I wanna go play!! ;)

Joey, nita and Co, hope you have a good time in Launceston this weekend!

- Melody